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How to create an optimal volume diet and maximize muscle mass gain? What diet is the most correct to produce hypertrophy?

These two questions are very common among future natural bodybuilders and I will try to solve them in today's article.

I will show how to organize a "volume phase", providing you with information about energy intake, macro nutrients (how much fat, protein, carbohydrates?) and foods to prioritize when the goal is to grow.

How to create the volume diet in natural bodybuilding steroids cycle
I recommend always verifying our starting point and planning based on it. We must create a clear strategy and not start without realizing the plan to follow or not even knowing if we really need it right now.

That said, first, as our number one goal (natural bodybuilding) is to increase muscle mass, the diet must always be linked to training.

The second objective will be to keep fat in small percentages, with this I don't want to say that you should see the veins all the time, much less.

In fact, we must consider that at this stage there is a risk of accumulating (too much) fat. Therefore, the ideal thing is to perform this process with a controlled calorie surplus.

Caloreal Survitic: How many calories do I need to gain muscle mass?
The condition necessary to increase muscle mass is that intake exceeds caloric spending (in addition to stimulation with strength training).

The caloric surplus is essential because...

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Energy is needed to start and maintain adaptation processes (protein synthesis...),

That excess energy leads to an improvement in performance (the diet depends on the training and the other way around).

With an increase of 10% ( calories) in your daily energy requirement (or caloric rule) is enough.

This increase will bring a progressive increase in weight (not infinity), what is a common characteristic of male sex workers? due mainly to the increase in muscle mass but also to fat mass.

However, the body has the ability to adapt to the stimuli provided (in this case, that increase in energy), so the weight will eventually become stagnant.

At that time, we will further increase the caloric surplus by 3-5% more.

However, this process is limited, as a time will come when your body will no longer manage the macro nutrients you ingest.

This can be measured and contrasted with data; perimeters, folds, weight, etc. (which we always transmit from school).

Whenever you maintain a low ("acceptable" or "controllable") fat percentage, you will have a free way to continue to increase.

But if, buy anavar online ( on the contrary, the [ dianabol steroid-tabletter-og-piller-hvordan-finder-top-dbol-maerker/41502/ fat burning steroids] trend is upward and a priori more than muscle mass gain, you feel saturated, lethargic, then it is time to lower your calories a bit and review all parameters again.

How to distribute macros in volume phase?
Reparture of macronutrients in volume stageProtein 1.6-2.2 g/kg bw From 0.5 g/kg to values above 1.5 for those who do not tolerate large amounts of carbohydrates The remaining calories (minimum 3 g/kg of body weight, optimal average between 5-7 g/kgFirst set the calories and then determine that amount of proteins, JBHNews fats and carbohydrates you will consume.

In the volume phase, proteins are relatively less important than in the definition diet, while carbohydrates play a more important role as a preferred energy resource for the organism.

Now let's see specifically for each macronutrient some more details about their needs, starting with proteins.

How much protein should I take in my volume diet to increase muscle mass?
They ask me this question many times and I always answer the same thing.

That you consume more proteins does not mean that you will gain more muscle mass, so it is not necessary (on the contrary) to take the amount of protein to a range as high as I find myself on many occasions.

That said, the amino acids of which proteins are formed represent a strong stimulus for the synthesis of muscle proteins and, in the long run, for changes in body composition.

Protein is a key aspect in our sport (natural bodybuilding) but it is not for this reason better. The range I recommend is 1.6-2.2 g/kg body weight.

And how to make your own steroids much fat?
Fats perform many functions, including energy, although for us it is the least important for carbohydrates that are our preferred fuel.

The most important role of fats is undoubtedly the maintenance of health in general, which is why we should not go down a certain threshold to avoid compromising it.

The recommended range of fat is 0.5 to 1.5 g/kg body weight.

How many carbohydrates do steroids burn fat I need to gain muscle mass?
Carbohydrates represent the most functional energy substrate in the sports field because they promote the establishment of a strongly anabolic and catabolic environment. What does it mean?

In a trained subject, tolerating high levels of carbohydrates reflects high metabolic functionality, and [ jay cutler steroid-cycles-for-beginners-and-advanced-bodybuilding1/30487/ buy steroids on line] therefore metabolic processes are more "rapid."

This translates into a greater speed of adaptation to training stimulation and better performance. (Two keys where to buy anabolic steroids gain muscle mass).

Therefore, once proteins and weight gain stack fats are established at a "minimum" level, you can count on a fairly large amount of carbohydrates.

The objective will be to stimulate all these metabolic processes in order to gradually consume more carbohydrates. Even reaching, 7-10 g/kg.

Getting progressively closer to those numbers (somethings with years of experience, not one day for another) will certainly be great news if you want to achieve your maximum physical potential.

Volume diet and nutrient timming
All we have seen so far in the article is enough to get results and go on a phase [ how to make steroid-can-it-be-used-information-about-oxandrolone/72808/ kinds of steroids] sensate volume.

Once we consider these parameters (training, caloric intake and macro distribution) we can think of the nutrient timming, although it is a detail of secondary importance.

Nutrient TimmingProtein Distributed in several intakes during the day (every 3-4 hours, at least about 20 g in each meal)Grades Preferably away from trainingCarbos A 50% or closer to training, the remaining distributed throughout the dayPossible benefits in training and physiological considering nutrient timming

♪ Supposed improvement in performance and recovery speed
♪ Delay in the appearance of phenomena such as insulin resistance
* Mitigate (within certain limits) fat accumulation
♪ Fastest training recovery

What to eat in volume diet and not fatten
Another question that arises a lot is that of the choice of food. Clean food or junk food (IIFYM)?

The main question (a priori) to take into account in order to gain muscle mass is to consume more calories than you spend, so we could assume that what matters most is quantity and not quality.

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It is unquestionable that the quality of food is essential for best injectable steroids the maintenance of health and the prevention of pathologies.

It has nothing to do with it, eating 300 kcal of fats a day obtained from butter than avocado, even though they are always the same caloric amount.

Consuming a lot of butter often contributes to an excessive introduction of saturated fats and testosterone vs anabolic steroids related problems, such as increased LDL cholesterol.

It does not happen if it is replaced by virgin olive oil or avocado (among others).

Therefore, my recommendation is to always have preference for healthy foods.

A healthy diet most of the time will be able to support training perfectly, recover, favor adaptation processes and, testosterone vs anabolic steroids therefore, allow muscle growth.

The same thing I say with supplements that work like steroids, instead of serum, multivitamins the body prefers real foods, did arnold use steroids them in case of need and/or practicality, but not most of the time.

The body will not recognize the food source from which amino acids, glucose, are produced, but food is always more nutritionally valuable than food supplements.

To grow up!

Sergio Vadillo

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